Duché Impérial de Salzbourg
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 Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend

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2 participants

Messages : 22
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2018

Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend Empty
MessageSujet: Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend   Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend Icon_minitimeMer 7 Fév - 19:22

She had arrived, finally... She was tired, but happy to meet her friend.
She got off the carriage and urged Demetrios, her secretary, to announce her arrival.
While she was waiting to be welcomed, she walked a little to warm, and in the meantime she looked around.
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Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2013
Localisation : Salzbourg

Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend   Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend Icon_minitimeMer 7 Fév - 19:49

The old butler of Salzbourg was warned by the guards of the arrival of a guest and since he knew that the Duchess was expecting two visitors, it was easy to recognize the first since her secretary announced her.

Willkommen in Hohensalzburg! Sorry.... Welcome in the Fortress of Salzburg Your Eminence. The Duchess awaits you in a private room. Let me show you the way. I can lead your secretary to the kitchen after unless you want him to attend the meeting ?

His natural German tongue came first but the butler also spoke French and English, which was the main reason he was hired by the Duchess. His strong teutonic accent could be easily heard but he spoke fluently and was a courteous man. He waited for the answer of the Cardinal, then immediately, led her to the Duchess.
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Cardinal Fenice arrives to visit a friend
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